Your calculator allows adding the show_embed=1 URL query parameter (example: to reveal the copy-paste HTML code to place into your own website.
This is publicly available (not restricted to the logged-in administrator of the calculator) so you can point your lenders and REALTORS® to it without you trying to email HTML code that gets garbled in transit.
Don’t worry about your actual calculator users (buyers and sellers) ever seeing it because all embeds have this “embed help” box hidden by default.
How-To for Common Website Providers
Once you copy the HTML code from your calculator’s show_embed=1 instructions, you need to paste it somewhere into your site.
Your embed needs to not disable the <script> tag, or else your calculator won’t load at all.
As a general help, if you see mentions of any of these phrases, you’re probably in the right place: HTML edit mode, rich text editor, code editor, edit custom HTML, or embed third-party widgets
The following links might you get to your website provider’s embed instructions more quickly, but we don’t own any of these entities and cannot guarantee any of their reliability, availability of features, or required upgrades in order to be able to embed this site’s calculators.
- (self-hosted): Custom HTML block or custom shortcode
- Squarespace “code block”
- Wix
- Weebly code editor
- Zoho Sites “Embed” element
- Shopify
- BigCommerce
In case a techie is wondering, no, this site does not support oEmbed at this time.